Omnichannel for Real

Blaster is omnichannel for real

Buy the inventory you really need in an integrated fashion.

Programmatic OOH

Forget one single spot: Buy as many venues as you need, buy for days or even hours.

Improved analytics:  Thanks to Computer Vision we know exactly how many people are you reaching and we truly understand their demographics.

Programmatic Radio

Forget one single radio station:  Buy all the station that your target group are listening to.

Improved analytics: We are able to reach specific demographics, cities and retarget your users.

Programmatic TV

Reach target households on smartv devices with scale while controlling reach and frequency.

Improved analytics:  we are able to reach specific users, retarget those who have been in the website or app.

Programmatic Digital

Omnichannel execution: Implement digital campaigns that take advantage from all media sources.

Improved analytics:  thanks to AI technology we are able to collect every sing from campaigns in any programmatic media and use the data in order to improve results.